One Parish, Six Churches, One Community


Welcome to St. Peter's Church, Navenby




St. Peter's Church, Navenby, is situated just off the A607 on Church Lane. It was built around 1180 and has been the centre of the village community and the place of christian worship ever since. Today there is a faithful and welcoming church community, committed to serving the community and passing on the Christian faith to the next generation. (See our gallery below)




There is a group of extremely dedicated volunteers which look after the upkeep of the beautiful church building(including essential fundraising), so that it will be part of the Parish for many generations to come. It is the largest of the 6 churches in the Parish and so is the venue for large events and services.  As part of the Parish's pattern of services, there are 2 regular services each month with special services throughout the year to which all are welcome.


Closure of St Peter’s Churchyard, Navenby, Lincoln

Notice is hereby given that it is the intention of the Secretary of State for Justice, acting on an application by the incumbent and churchwardens, to apply to the Privy Council for an Order requiring the discontinuance of burials in the above churchyard.

Provision would be made for no exceptions

Any representations about the proposed closure should be sent to the Coroners and Burials Team, Ministry of Justice, 102 Petty France, London SW1H 9AJ or by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (quoting reference CC/JUN24/012) within 21 days of this publication.

Date of posting: 1 October 2024


Approximate capacity: 170
Hearing loop: Yes
Bells: Yes
Toilet: Yes
Parking: No
Church Warden: Malcolm Green
If you would like further information please contact the Parish Administrator, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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